7 Golf Tips that Helped Me Break 80

Hey there! I’m excited to share with you some tips that have really helped me break 80 on the golf course.
When I first started playing golf, I was really struggling to get my scores down.
I was hitting a lot of errant shots and just couldn’t seem to get a handle on my game.
But then, I started implementing these seven tips and things really started to turn around for me.
1) Having proper grips and re-gripping every year
One of the most underlooked aspects of a good golf game is having proper grips on your clubs. Not only do they help you control the club, but they also play a role in the accuracy and distance of your shots.
If your grips are worn or not fitted to your hands, it can be difficult to execute shots consistently. That’s why it’s important to re-grip your clubs at least once a year, or more frequently if you play often.
It took me years to truly understand the importance of golf grips and the many differences between brands, materials, and sizes.
My hands are on large size so the standard grips that come with most golf clubs feel very small and uncontrollable. This was causing a lot of grief in my golf game since it was harder to control the direction of the face of the club.
Once I adapted my grips to suit what was comfortable in my hands, my golf game improved basically overnight after a bit of practice. I went from having a truly unpredictable shot shape to having a very consistent one which I could now baseline my whole golf game from.
I’ve plugged the grips I use several times on this blog, and it’s because I know how much of a difference they made to me personally. If they help someone else out who is struggling with controlling their swing, that’s great!
The other feature of the grips I switched to other than size was a soft feel. I opted for a plush, cushy, and soft rubber-feeling grip. I felt that when I gripped the club with these that my hands would ‘sink’ into place and not be prone to slipping. I found this to be a major factor in creating a consistent shot shape that I could use to develop the rest of my game.
Since switching to the grips I currently use, I make sure to get the re-gripped every season. This just promoted further consistency since every time I picked up a club, it felt the same in my hands.
2) Placing the club correctly in my hands
Once I had the right grips for my hands, I then moved on to how I should be holding my golf club.
When I was younger, I took some golf lessons from a very good golfer but a very bad teacher. He was the one that taught me the “standard grip” where both of your thumbs sit on the top of the golf club and lock your top thumb into your bottom palm.
I mean, I get it, it’s a great starting point for getting used to having a golf club in your hands. The problem was that I was basically taught that ‘this is the grip’ and there is no manipulation or anything.
It’s really hard for common sense to take over and try different variations when it’s been cemented in your brain that this is the way (Mando rules).
Now, how I grip the golf club today is miles away from where I started.
I (like many people) was struggling with a slice. And the fastest fix for me was a strong grip. This meant gripping the golf club from a closed position and then rotating my wrists to align the face of the club perpendicular to the ball.
3) Developing a swing routine
Another thing I’ve learned is the importance of developing a consistent swing routine.
You see, when I first started playing golf, I didn’t really have a set routine. I would just kind of go through the motions and hope for the best. But as I started to play more and more, I realized that having a consistent routine really helps me get into a repeatable position on every shot. It’s all about muscle memory and ingraining the proper movements and habits.
So, what did I do to develop my swing routine? Well, first, I set up a routine for my pre-shot routine. This includes things like aligning my feet and body to the target, taking a few practice swings, and visualizing the shot I want to hit. Then, I focus on maintaining a consistent tempo throughout my swing – this means keeping my swing speed and rhythm consistent from start to finish.
Also, I pay attention to my body position and alignment at impact. I make sure my feet, hips, and shoulders are all lined up properly, and that I’m making solid contact with the ball. And I practice my swing routine regularly to ingrain the proper movements and habits. I do this by hitting balls on the range, or simply by swinging a club in place.
Honestly, I can say that by taking the time to focus on my swing routine, I’ve been able to execute shots more consistently and shoot lower scores.
I highly recommend paying attention to your routine. It might take some time and effort, but trust me, it’s worth it in the end.
4) Trying several putters, putting stances, and grips
Putting is crucial to a good game, and let me tell you, I’ve tried every trick in the book to get my putts dialed in. I’ve gone through a ton of different putters, trying to find the perfect one for my stroke.
It’s often said that putting is the most important part of the game, as it’s the part that can make or break your score.
That’s why I’ve spent a lot of time experimenting with different putters, putting stances, and grips in order to find what works best for me.
But here’s the thing: It’s really helped me improve my putting game.
For example, adopting a more open stance (with my feet pointed out to the sides) has helped me feel more comfortable and relaxed over the ball. And switching to the cross-hand grip has made a big difference for me.
So if you’re struggling with your putting, don’t be afraid to experiment and try out different options. It might take some trial and error, but eventually, you’ll find what works best for you.
5) Defining full, three-quarter, and half swings for myself
One of the biggest things I’ve learned in my journey to improve my game is the importance of having different swing lengths for different shots. Sure, you can just swing as hard as you can every time and hope for the best, but that’s not a very reliable approach. Trust me, I’ve tried it.
So, instead, I’ve taken the time to define full, three-quarter, and half swings for myself. This way, I know exactly how hard to swing depending on the shot I’m trying to hit.
For example, off the tee in most cases, I’ll use a full swing. If I’m hitting an iron shot from the fairway though, I’ll use a three-quarter swing. And if I’m trying to hit a pitch shot around the green, I’ll use a half or quarter swing.
The key here is to have set swings in for each of these and to only swap out the club. This lends into the next thing I discovered while trying to break 80.
6) Understanding my yardages and how to hit them with consistency
Now, I know this might seem like a no-brainer, but let me tell you – it’s not as easy as it sounds. When I first started playing, I would just pull out a club and hope for the best.
But as I started to play more and more, I realized that wasn’t a very reliable approach.
That’s when I started to really focus on understanding my yardages and how to hit them consistently. I began by carrying a rangefinder and using it to get an accurate measurement of the distance to the target.
Then, I practiced hitting shots to different distances, using different clubs, to get a feel for how hard to swing for each shot. It’s been a lot of work, but it’s paid off – I’ve been able to hit more consistent shots and shoot lower scores.
7) Practicing with a purpose
Rather than simply hitting balls on the range aimlessly, I learned to set specific goals for each practice session. For example, I might focus on improving my iron play one day and then work on my putting the next. By having a clear objective in mind, I found that my practice sessions were much more effective and helped me make faster progress.
But the key to really making this approach work was setting practice range goals ahead of time. By setting a target for each session, I was able to stay focused and motivated, and I could measure my progress as I went along.
And the results spoke for themselves. Within a few short months, I was able to consistently break 80 on the course, and my scores continued to improve as I continued to practice with purpose.
Looking back, I can confidently say that adopting this approach to practice was a game-changer for me. It helped me to focus my efforts, stay motivated, and make steady progress toward my goals. If you’re serious about improving your golf game, I highly recommend giving it a try.
I hope that these tips can help you as much as they have helped me. It can be frustrating to play golf, especially when you’re not having the results you want.
But with some patience and persistence, I’m confident that you can make progress and start seeing improvement in your game.
Just remember to keep working on your grip, swing, putting, and yardage, and to always practice with a purpose.
Good luck on the course!